Nasolabial filler targets the nose to mouth lines which can become more noticeable as we age. These creases are caused by the loss of volume to the cheeks which then causes the skin to sag.
The amazing results from this treatment will restore the lost volume giving a smoother more youthful appearance.
When coming to your appointment with The Aesthetic Collective, you will initially be greeted & welcomed into clinic. We will then numb the area to be treated with a topical anaesthetic.
Prior to your procedure you will have a full consultation where we will assess and discuss your options. We will also cover any questions you may have and what to expect from your treatment.
Once you are happy and the anaesthetic takes effect, we will then start the procedure. This procedure is carried out using a cannula for safety and comfort.
Following this we will go over the aftercare and what to expect after the treatment.
It could take a few sessions to reach your desired results, regardless of how natural you would like your results, it can take layering for some clients depending on your natural anatomy. Once you have reached your desired result, it is advised to return to clinic approximately 9-12 months to maintain your results